Friday, December 28, 2012

Delayed in Christchurch

So our flight was delayed. At first they were saying that we will still fly on the 27th, just we will have to go at night. It has been unseasonably warm in McMurdo and the runway was too slushy for the airbus to land during the day.

Let me back up a little bit. So originally we were scheduled to fly on an airbus A319 - it is a civilian plane, with actual seats, stewardesses and service on board. I was really excited - going south in a luxurious seat and all ;) However, the airbus has wheels and can only land on good solid runway. So our flight on the 27th was cancelled all together - even nighttime conditions were not good enough for us to land (although the sun does not set, there is a considerable difference in solar angle and a diurnal cycle in temperature is still quite noticeable). I have also heard rumors that our airbus went to Hobart to fly to Casey station -(where it is also quite warm, so I'm not sure how they will go about that). I am not sure if it was poor planning, poor weather or a combination of the two, but the airbus is not an option for us anymore.

In any case, we are now scheduled to take the Herc (LC130) - a military plane equipped with both wheels and skis for landing. People are saying the flight will be way less comfortable - you seat along the side of the plane in a net, it is loud and it can get cold. But on the plus side - there is a chance we will actually be getting down to the ice!

So we are now scheduled to fly on Saturday morning (December 29th). We have been issued our winter gear and we were told to pack a "boomerang bag". A "boomerang bag" is a bag you check in, but it will be returned to you in case your flight "boomerangs" back to the main land. It has happened before - the LC130 flight gets all the way to McMurdo (8 hrs!),  but can't land due to poor visibility. The flight then returns back to Christchurch (boomerangs) and you're stuck waiting for the weather to improve. Let's hope this will not happen to us - we have been waiting for a long time already. 16 hours on a loud plane will not be an ideal way to spend the next day for sure. But, better safe then sorry - I am packing my "summer/normal" clothes + books + knitting in a separate bag - to make sure I don't feel like I have nothing to do in case we don't quite make it to the ice.

I was originally planning to post more pictures of my adventures in Christchurch, but this post is getting a little long and I am about to go to dinner with my fellow co-travelers-stuck-in-Christchurch. We all are really looking forward to spending New Years on the ice - there are tons of fun events going on. So keep your fingers crossed for us, while the pessimists in our group are starting to plan an "alternative" New Years celebrations in Kiwiland.

***I googled some pictures to give you an idea on what it is like, these pictures are not mine***


  1. Sorry to hear about this, hope it all works out tomorrow...

    1. After the horror stories about the Herc the actual ride did not seem that bad. I got to see an amazing scenery from the cockpit as we were flying over the McMurdo sound. Breathtaking!!! will post pictures later
